Not Fall Guys
Created By: Neon Wizard Games
About Game
Not Fall Guys is a small multiplayer(fully replicated) mini game collection inspired by the popular game FALL GUYS. It is developed in UE 4.26 using only Blueprint Node based programming.
One can host a game via port forwarding on udp7777.
It supports up to 10 players in a single server.
Current Game Modes are: Obstacle Course Race, Crumble Platforms, Color Ball Guess, Fireball Battle, Red-light Green-light, Random Cannon Dodge, Jump Rope

Development Roadmap
1. Create Networked Player Character
a.Replicate Movement
b.Replicate Movement Animations
c.Multicast jump anim and movement
d.Create better camera
2. Create Player Controller
3. Create Player State to hold player data
4. Create Game State to hold player states
5. Create Network Test Gamemode
a.Replicate pawn spawing
b.Assign proper controller and player state data
c.Create Main Menu Widget
i.Create host game feature
ii.Create join game feature
iii.Create server browser for local connection and possible Steam advanced sesssion
6. Create Lobby Level/Map
a.Create special lobby gamemode
b.Assign playerStarts based on connection and update when player Logs-Out
c.Activate and setup seamless travel via transition map
d.Create Lobby Widget with server authority to server travel
e.Add Lobby Connected Players Widget, update every 0.2sec
7. Add/Load from Game Instance player data on pawn spawn via Player Controller
a.Display Player Name above head via attached widget
b.Add funcitons to set player skin color or class
8. Create Follow player / Spector Pawn
a.On playerfinishedgame() in gamemode destroy current pawn but keep player controller
b.Create and assign new pawn class and attach to random unfinished player
c.Add spectator player to list of current spectating players
d.When followed player finishes game, assign all spectating players to new unfinsihed player
9. Create first Gamemode - Obstacle Course
a.Create replicated spinning arm obstacle
b.Create replicated Block push out
i.Add input to change time rate
c.Design and create first Level/Map using new obstacles
d.Design and create second Level/Map
e.Create replicated moving door obstacle
i.Add input to change time rate
f.Design and create third Level/Map using all current obstacles
g.Setup ability to respawn player after obstacle hit
i.Replicate Ragdoll system
ii.Create Checkpoints and kill volume
h.Create starting match timer Widget
i.Replicate correct gamemode time to all clients regardless of postlogIn()
ii.Replicate enable all player controllers input when match begins
i.Create Game over Widget
i.Display game over message
ii.Server travel back to lobby via gamemode after short timer
j.Create Options Widget similar to pause widget
10. Create second Gamemode - Crumble platforms
a.Create replicated crumble platform
i.Add replicated color change system
ii.Add replicated actor destuction
iii.Set rules for platform destruction, on begin overlap and set timer to check if still on platform
b.Disable ability to respawn after falling into kill volume
i.Only one life, last one standing rule set
11. Create third Gamemode - Color Ball Guess
a.Create random color pick system in gamemode
i.Create 6 possible colors each round
ii.Create array to store ball colors
iii.Assign correct round color to ball array
iv.Assign remaining array values to random colors
b.Create color platforms
i.Create color enum
ii.Create functions to hide/show and disable/enable collision
c.Create replicated color balls
i.Setup bounce functionality
ii.Use projectile movement to replicate physics as close as possible
iii.Replicate destruction
d.Create round timer system in Gamemode
i.Spawn in balls via ballColorArray[]
ii.Make sure to shuffle array for randomness
ii.After short 6 or 7 second timer activate platform functions to hide etc.
iii.After short 3 second timer to reset round by destroying all balls and restoring all platforms
e.Design and create Level/Map to play ball color game in
12. Create fourth Gamemode - Fireball Fight
a.Design and create Level/Map using fire as primary theme
b.Create replciated fireball projectile
i.Set lifespan
ii.Add fireball particle system
iii.Create fire impact decal via photoshop and material
c.Add replicated montage and spawning in Player Pawn via attack input
d.Add hit by projectile function to kill player when hit by projectile
e.Set ruleset to no respawn, one life, last one standing
13. Create fifth Gamemode - Redlight Greenlight
a.Design and create Level/Map
b.Create Replicated stoplight system
i.Set to Green on all clients
ii.Set random timer amount for Yellow
iii.After random timer completion set to Yellow on all clients
iv.After short 1-3sec timer set to Red
v.Ask gamemode to find all clients with a velocity greator than 0,0,0
vi.Store moving players to killArray[]
c.Create projectile effect to kill marked players
i.Setup timeline to move actor
ii.use projectile movement for proper replication
d.Set all players in killArray[] to ragdoll and die when new Green round begins
i.Set ruleset to no respawn, one life, last one standing
ii.Clear killArray[] for next round
e.Create finish line decal in photoshop
14. Create sixth Gamemode - Random Cannons
a.Design and create Level/Map
b.Create replicated cannon system
i.Add several spawn points to fire projectiles at players
ii.Setup random spawnpoint generator
iii.Add cannon Meshes
c.Create replicated cannon projectile
i.Add particle system
ii.Replicate actor destruction
d.Setup 3 life ruleset
i.3 lives, last one standing
15. Create seventh Gamemode - Jump rope
a.Design and create Level/Map
b.Create replicated spinning arm
i.After each 360° rotation set new spin rate
ii.Make sure random rate is replicated properly
c.Set ruleset to one life no respawn, last one standing
16. Create eighth Gamemode - Coming Soon
17. Make improvements to all Widgets and overall design
a.Polish all widgets
i.Add Color
ii.Add Animations
b.Add a better GameOver Widget that returns the winning player
c.Set winning player scores in Player Data
i.Display in Lobby Widget